*** VOTE Now! ***

The 2024 Montana Election is here! Vote Absentee Ballot to vote early! This is a key election for statewide races as well as several House & Senate districts in Flathead County. Your local Republican Party has spent many hours vetting and supporting the TRUE conservatives!

Click here to view the candidates that have been officially recommended or endorsed by the Flathead County Republican Central Committee, the genuine arm of the local Republican Party.

For information on the 3 very harmful “constitutional initiatives” on the ballot, click here! Vote NO on November 5th!

2024 Candidates Officially Endorsed!

The Flathead County Republican Central Committee has officially endorsed the truly conservative candidates in the 2024 General Election this November!

The FCRCC Candidate Vetting Committee carefully analyzed candidates’ campaign promises, public comments, endorsements, voting records, and more, gaining a clear understanding of each Republican primary candidate’s core political philosophy.

The Central Committee, as a whole, then offered a full and complete endorsement of these upstanding candidates who stand with the Republican platform and solidly uphold true conservative values:

MT Senate District 2: Doug Adams
MT Senate District 3: Carl Glimm
MT Senate District 5: Matt Regier
MT House District 2: Tom Millett
MT House District 3: Cathy Mitchell
MT House District 5: Braxton Mitchell
MT House District 6: Amy Regier
MT House District 8: Lukas Schubert
MT House District 9: Steve Kelly
MT House District 10: Terry Falk
MT House District 11: Ed Byrne
MT House District 12: Tracy Sharp

Tell your friends and family! Spread the word! 

The November 5th General Election is our opportunity to make our voices heard and help send true Republicans to Helena this year!

View our Endorsed Candidates page here.

FCRCC Communications Committee
July 31, 2024

Weekly Meet-and-Greets Hosted by Pachyderm in Kalispell

Members of the public interested in getting to know local government leaders have an open opportunity to become more educated at the weekly meetings of Glacier Country Pachyderm! The Kalispell-based Club hosts a variety of elected and unelected local officials throughout the year. Hearing these community leaders speak and having the opportunity to shake their hands and visit afterwards is a special opportunity to become more engaged and informed in the happenings of our valley.

The Pachyderm meetings are open to the public, with membership requested following your first couple visits as a Guest. Meetings are held each Friday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm in the Ballroom of the Red Lion Hotel in downtown Kalispell.  Arrive early and enjoy lunch for $12!  To find out this weeks speaker, check out their calendar here.
