VOTE NO on CI-126
CI-126 & CI-127 are part of a radically harmful out-of-state movement to overthrow conservative elected officials in Montana. These two insidious initiatives to change the Montana Constitution are literally being funded – not by Montanans – but by millions of dollars of liberal dark money from 2 political action committees in Denver, CO and Arlington, VA. If passed, these initiatives would fundamentally change our Montana elections with very devastating effects! They are being presented and promoted in a very misleading manner.
- CI-126 & CI-127 would undermine the voter integrity process and principled candidates!
- These initiatives are being pushed using out-of-state money! Of the $2.43 million dollars received by Montanans for Election Reform during the 30-day period from August 26th to September 25th, $2,402,000 came from outside Montana (specifically from two large political action committees in Colorado & Virginia) and ONLY $26,000 came from individual donations by Montana citizens!! During this same 30-day period, Montanans for Election Reform spent $1.5 million dollars on TV ads to push this insidious agenda and paint it as a “positive” change to our constitution. Nothing could be further than the truth!
- CI-126 would create a “top 4” primary, creating complicated and confusing ballots. Large numbers of candidates can run for an office, without stating their political party affiliation. Democrat candidates can even state their affiliation as “Republican” on the ballot and the Republicans are left without recourse!
- In Alaska, “top 4” primaries were implemented in 2022, and the Democrats immediately flipped the congressional seat blue for the first time in 50 years!
- In California, “top 2” primaries caused every Republican candidate to be kicked off the November 2022 ballot in a “Republican-majority” State Senate district!
The Flathead Republican Party officially OPPOSES these extremely harmful liberal initiatives which are a direct threat to our liberty. VOTE NO on CI-126 & CI-127!
More information on CI-126 & CI-127:
Informational Statement on CI-126 & CI-127 by Ed Byrne, Precinct Leader & HD 11 Candidate
The Frightening Explanation of CI-126 & CI-127 by Tom Millett, HD 2 Candidate
FCRCC Communications Committee
October 1, 2024