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Adopted March 10, 2011

The organization is called the Flathead County Republican Central Committee (FCRCC).

ARTICLE II – Objectives
The objectives of the FCRCC are:
A. To recruit, educate, and train individuals to run for public office that uphold the Republican platform and principles.
B. To inform and educate the public about Republican candidates and the principles and ideals for which the Republican Party stands.
C. To facilitate cooperation among Republican organizations that support the election of Republican candidates.
D. To provide financial and volunteer support for Republican candidates.
E. To support elected Republican officials.
F. To increase voter registration and to advocate a return to closed primaries where each party can pick its best candidates.

ARTICLE III – General Provisions
Section 1. Authority. These rules govern the FCRCC organization. Pursuant to Section 13-38-203, MCA, these rules may not be inconsistent with state election laws or the rules of the Montana Republican Party.
Section 2. Amendments. These bylaws may be amended at any general or special meeting of the FCRCC by a two-thirds vote of eligible voters present. At least 10 days prior to the meeting at which the amendments will be considered, the proposed changes shall be USPS mailed or e-mailed to all FCRCC voting members.

ARTICLE IV – Membership
Section 1. Voting members. The voting members of the FCRCC shall consist of the duly elected or appointed precinct committeemen and committeewomen of each precinct in Flathead County. The precinct committeemen and committeewomen shall hold office for a period of two years from the date of their election, or if appointed, until the next precinct election date. Precinct committeemen and committeewomen or their designated proxy holders shall check in before any meeting and receive a precinct card, which evidences their right to vote.
Section 2. Elected Officials. Flathead County residents who hold public office as Republicans are ex officio FCRCC members. They are granted floor privileges but are not entitled to make motions or vote.
Section 3. Others. Other attendees to the FCRCC general meetings may be granted floor privileges but are not entitled to make motions or vote. The Chairperson has the discretion and authority to withdraw the privileges from any person for actions deemed inappropriate or for the good of the meeting.
Section 4. Voting Members Who Fail to Attend Meetings: If a voting member misses four consecutive, unexcused monthly meetings, then the Chairperson may send the voting member a letter urging attendance at future meetings or make other inquiry. If the voting member then misses two or more meetings without an excuse in the five months following the date of the inquiry, the Chairperson may send the voting member a letter suggesting the member resign so the seat may be filled with a Republican who will participate at meetings.

ARTICLE V – Conventions and Election of Officers
Section 1. FCRCC shall hold a County Convention each odd-numbered year between April 15 and May 15 for the purpose of organizing the FCRCC. The convention shall be called and notice of the call shall be given as set forth in Section 13-38-205, MCA.
Section 2. At the February or March FCRCC meeting of the convention year, the members shall select an “Officers Nominating Committee” of not less than three people. The Officers Nomination Committee shall present its nominees at the County Convention. Additional nominations may be made from the floor during the convention providing there is a second for the motion. If there are two or more candidates for one office, a secret ballot shall be used for that election.
Section 3. The FCRCC Chairperson shall preside at the County Convention. Only precinct committeemen and committeewomen or their verified proxy holder may be recognized, make motions or vote.
Section 4. If a committeeman or committeewoman is absent at the County Convention, by not appearing either in person or by proxy, the convention may fill the vacancy by appointing a qualified elector of the party, who is a resident in the precinct, to represent the precinct during the convention.
Section 5. A precinct committeeman or committeewoman may appoint a proxy in writing to represent him or her at the County Convention, but no proxy may be recognized unless held by an elector of the precinct of the committeeman or committeewoman executing it.
Section 6. At the County Convention, the FCRCC shall elect the following officers to serve for two years: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson (pursuant to Section 13-38-205, MCA, either the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson shall be a woman), Secretary, Treasurer, State Committeeman and State Committeewoman, Congressional Committeeman and Congressional Committeewoman, Finance Chairperson, and other officers as deemed appropriate. The officers must be registered electors of Flathead County but, pursuant to Section 13-38-205(1), they do not have to be precinct committeemen and committeewomen.
Section 7. A quorum for any business at the County Convention shall be a majority of the eligible precinct committeemen and precinct committeewomen as represented in person or by verified proxy.

ARTICLE VI – Officers of FCRCC
Section 1. Duties of Officers.
A. Chairperson: The Chairperson shall preside at all FCRCC meetings, the Executive Committee, and the County Convention, except that the Chairperson may appoint a convention chairperson to preside at the County Convention. The Chairperson shall appoint all committees, except the Executive Committee, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The Chairperson shall have the powers of supervision and management.
B. First Vice-Chairperson: The First Vice Chairperson shall perform such duties as the Chairperson may assign. In the absence of the Chairperson, the First Vice Chairperson shall perform the Chairperson’s duties. If the First Vice-Chairperson is a woman, she shall be the liaison officer between the FCRCC and the Flathead County Republican Women’s Club. If the First Vice-Chairperson is a man, the Chairperson may appoint, with approval of the Executive Committee, a woman who may serve as the liaison officer between the FCRCC and the Flathead County Republican Women’s Club.
C. Additional Vice-Chairpersons: The FCRCC may elect additional Vice-Chairpersons, with duties as assigned by the Chairperson.
D. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep minutes of FCRCC meetings, Executive Committee meetings and the County Conventions. These minutes shall be emailed or USPS mailed to the central committee not less than seven days before the next appropriate meeting. The Secretary shall keep the roll of membership, and submit appropriate forms to the Flathead County Election Department after the appointment of precinct committeepersons. The Secretary shall submit to the State Central Committee a report within five days of the County Convention results. Failure to file the report within the allotted time period may result in the county delegation not being seated at the next State Convention.
E. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect lunch monies at the general FCRCC monthly meetings and pay the lunch bill. The Treasurer shall prepare an accounting for the general FCRCC meeting of all receipts and disbursements of the FCRCC and insure the timely filing of all FCRCC reports required to be made to any governmental agency. All disbursements shall be made only upon presentation of valid receipts or billing statements with a check countersigned by either of the two persons who have been authorized to do so by the FCRCC, the Treasurer or the Finance Chairperson. All disbursements shall be made within the boundaries of the annually approved budget. The Treasurer shall present to the FCRCC Convention an annual report of the financial affairs. The financial books shall be reviewed each March by an Audit Committee appointed by the Chairperson, or if requested by an incoming Treasurer.
F. State Committeeman and State Committeewoman: They shall attend and represent the FCRCC at the State Delegate Convention and participate in accordance with the State Party rules.
G. Congressional Committeeman and Congressional Committeewoman: They shall be the liaison with the Congressional Delegation. They shall attend and represent the FCRCC at the Republican State Convention and participate in accordance with the State Convention rules.
H. Finance Chairperson: The Finance Chairperson shall chair the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall prepare FCRCC’s proposed annual budget, and the Finance Chairperson shall present the proposed budget to the FCRCC at the February meeting for approval. Any deviation of expenses from the approved budget must be approved by the FCRCC Executive Committee. The Finance Chairperson in collaboration with the Finance Committee shall fund-raise for the FCRCC. The Finance Chairperson is authorized, along with the Treasurer, to sign checks and make disbursements on behalf of the FCRCC.
I. Youth Outreach Chair: The Youth Outreach Chair shall undertake efforts to recruit young voters into the Republican Party, and get young voters active in party efforts and Republican campaigns.
J. Compensation: No FCRCC officer may be a paid employee of the Party, nor may an FCRCC officer be paid any financial compensation other than reimbursement for expenses directly related to FCRCC business, unless
approved in advance by the voting members of the FCRCC.

Section 2. Term, Removal, and Vacancies of Officers:
A. Term of Office. All officers shall hold office for a term of two years.
B. Removal from Office. An officer may be removed for cause if the cause is announced at any general meeting, and at the following general meeting, three-quarters of the eligible voting members vote to remove.
C. Resignation. The officer’s resignation shall be announced at the first general meeting following the resignation. The vacancy may be filled at any general meeting following the general meeting when the resignation was announced.
D. Replacement. In the event of a vacancy in any officer position that entitles the holder to membership on the FCRCC Executive Committee, except for committeeman or committeewoman, due to death, resignation, failure to maintain status as an elector of Flathead County, or removal from the county, or cause as determined by three-quarters of the eligible voting members present, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the present voting members of the FCRCC present at the next general meeting, or any subsequent meeting, following the vacancy announcement.

ARTICLE VII –Precinct Committee Persons
Section 1. Election of Precinct Committeeman and Precinct Committeewoman
A. To file for precinct committeeman or committeewoman, a candidate must file the appropriate form at the Flathead County Election Department and be duly elected by the public at the appropriate election. The candidate must be a registered voter and reside in the precinct for which the candidate files.
Section 2. Precinct Committeeman and Committeewoman Vacancies
A. At the meeting following the election of precinct committeemen and committeewomen, the Chairperson shall announce any vacant precinct positions. These vacancies may be filled by a majority vote of the voting members of the FCRCC present at any subsequent meeting.
B. If a vacancy in a precinct office occurs due to death, resignation, or failure to maintain status as an elector of the precinct, the Chairperson, upon learning of the vacancy, shall announce the vacancy at the next general meeting. The vacancy may be filled by a majority vote of the eligible voting members of the FCRCC present at any general meeting following the announced vacancy.
C. Promptly after an appointment is made to fill a vacant position, the Secretary shall file notice of the appointment with the County Clerk and Recorder and the State Republican Headquarters.
D. Vacancies in the office of precinct committeeman or committeewoman must be filled not less than 60 days prior to the county officers’ convention or county delegate convention in order for the person appointed to fill such vacancy to be eligible to vote at such conventions, either in person or by proxy.

ARTICLE VIII – FCRCC Executive Committee
Section 1. The FCRCC Executive Committee shall consist of FCRCC officers, the President of Flathead County Republican Women, and the Chairperson of Pachyderm Club.
Section 2. The FCRCC Executive Committee shall meet between general meetings as the committee members determine.
Section 3. The FCRCC Executive Committee shall execute the county party’s policies and programs between general meetings, and make recommendations to the FCRCC for nominations to fill offices vacated by elected Republican officials leaving office prior to completing their term as provided under state law.
Section 4. Members of the FCRCC Executive Committee shall be entitled to participate in the FCRCC proceedings, but shall not have the right to vote unless the members are also precinct committeemen or committeewomen.

ARTICLE IX – Committees
Section 1. The Chairperson may appoint standing or special committees as deemed necessary or desirable from time to time.
Section 2. The Committee Chairperson shall designate a committee member to take minutes of committee activities and make these minutes available to the Executive Committee or FCRCC.
Section 3. Committee members’ terms shall expire at the conclusion of business for which the committee was appointed or at the conclusion of the Chairperson’s term.

ARTICLE X – Meetings.
Section 1. General meetings of the FCRCC shall be held the second Thursday of the month unless otherwise determined at a prior meeting.
Section 2. Special meetings of the FCRCC may be called with at least three days notice sent by e-mail, fax or phone call to voting members by: (1) the Chairperson; (2) the majority of the members of the FCRCC Executive Committee; or (3) a majority of the voting members of the FCRCC. The subjects addressed at a special meeting shall be limited to those set forth in the notice.
Section 3. A quorum at a meeting consists of the voting members present. Any votes must pass by a simple majority, other than bylaw amendments which require a two-thirds vote of voting members
present as set forth in Article III, Section 2.

ARTICLE XI – Proxies
Section 1. Precinct committeemen and committeewomen shall be entitled to vote in person or by written proxy.
Section 2. A person holding a proxy must be a resident of the same precinct as the committeeperson being represented by the proxy holder.
Section 3. A proxy need not be held by a person of the same sex as the committeeperson being represented by the proxy holder.
Section 4. Precinct committeemen and committeewomen may vote in their own right and may hold and vote the proxy of an absent precinct committeeperson. A proxy holder may carry no more than one proxy.

ARTICLE XII – Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern FCRCC meetings. The Chairperson may appoint a Parliamentarian.